CSF News


Obituary: Mike Turnesa Jr.

The Westchester Caddie Scholarship Fund mourns the loss of Mike Turnesa Jr., the longtime head golf professional at Rockville Links Club, and former assistant at Knollwood Country Club. Turnesa passed away on May 10. Obituary Born into one of the greatest golf family dynasties, Mike got his start as an assistant golf professional when he […]

Event Recap

WGA Caddie Scholarship Fund Kicks Off 2018 Season

[envira-gallery id=”2094″] On May 2, 2018, Board members, club representatives, and friends of the Fund attended the WGA CSF annual Kick Off Meeting at Scarsdale Golf Club in Hartsdale, NY.  The Kick Off Meeting acts as the unofficial start of the season and it serves as the award ceremony for the 2017 Caddie Scholarship Special […]

News Update

Global Golf Post: Prominent Golf Organizations Partner on Youth Caddying Initiative

The Western Golf Association announced a new initiative focusing on promoting youth caddying and golf called Carry the Game.   Read More in Global Golf Post.

Alumni Support

$100,000 Bequest from Alumnus George J. Russ, Class of ’69

George J. Russ, CSF Class of ’69, was not closely involved with the WGA Caddie Scholarship Fund. In fact, no one on the CSF staff or Board of Directors had ever met him. However, through his estate, he left the largest contribution the Fund has ever received from an alumnus. What a wonderful surprise and […]

News Update

A Memorable Evening of Appreciation at The Playhouse

The CSF was delighted to host a donor appreciation evening at The Playhouse at Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate. With appreciation to the Rockefeller family, close friends of the Fund gathered for tours of The Playhouse mansion and an intimate dinner in the living room. Past Presidents of the Fund were recognized alongside longtime staff members […]

News Update

Sleepy Hollow Establishes Joe Barreiro Scholarship Fund

“It couldn’t have been planned more perfectly. There was a lot of love” said Joe Barreiro about his retirement celebration held at Sleepy Hollow Country Club on October 15th. The Caddie Master for 45 years, Joe deserved a great send-off party and he received it. Hundreds of members, family and friends came to congratulate Joe […]

Event Recap

2nd Annual CCH Invitational a Huge Success Again

On October 2, family and friends gathered to pay tribute to Chris Hickey and raised almost $90,000 for a scholarship in his name. Greg Hickey started the CCH Invitational in 2016 to pay tribute to his late twin brother Chris.  The inaugural event exceeded everyone’s expectations netting $80,000 for a scholarship in Chris’ name. The […]