CSF News

Alumni Support, News Update, Upcoming Event

Season Preview: WGACSF Events For 2021 Season

With the long winter behind us and the snow fully melted, anticipation for the 2021 golf season is at an all-time high. Last year, despite the difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the golf world was able to flourish. This season, golfers are once again optimistic the sport will prove to be an escape and are looking forward to a great season […]

Alumni Support, Caddie Story, Event Recap

Three Venue Golf Outing a Special Success

[envira-gallery id=”3194″] On September 24, 2019, the Tommy Goff Memorial Golf Outing was held to establish and benefit the Thomas M. Goff Memorial Scholarship, the WGA Caddie Scholarship Fund’s newest endowed scholarship fund.  There was such an overwhelming interest to participate that the event, originally scheduled at Knollwood Country Club in Elmsford, expanded to three […]

Alumni Support, Event Recap

CSF Alumni Gather for Golf Outing Reunion

[envira-gallery id=”3037″] After consecutive rain-outs in 2018 and early 2019, the 44th Annual CSF Alumni Reunion & Golf Outing was held on July 22nd at Tamarack Country Club in Greenwich, CT. More than 60 golfers came out to play the Charles Henry Banks course, including current and former caddie scholars, as well as CSF board […]

Alumni Support, News Update

George J. Russ Memorial Scholarship Now 10th Endowed Scholarship

February 1, 2019 – The George J. Russ Memorial Scholarship, established July 2017, was once the largest scholarship of its kind in the named scholarship program.  Two years later, the George J. Russ Memorial Scholarship is now the largest Endowed Scholarship with the WGACSF. George was a caddie at the Hudson River Club in Yonkers, […]

Alumni Support, Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight: Michael Pozzi

Michael’s hard work and commitment has been critical to his successful career, and that mentality began during his junior and senior years in high school working at Briar Hall. Trying to earn money for college, a typical weekend started with the morning shift in the bag room at 6AM on Saturday, followed by

Alumni Support, News Update, Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight: Daniel Ghajar

D A N I E L    G H A J A R Burning Tree Country Club, caddie  |  University of Connecticut  |  Class of 2017 The first WGA Caddie Scholar Alumni under the spotlight is Daniel Ghajar, a former four-year caddie at Burning Tree Country Club. He recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in […]

Alumni Support

$100,000 Bequest from Alumnus George J. Russ, Class of ’69

George J. Russ, CSF Class of ’69, was not closely involved with the WGA Caddie Scholarship Fund. In fact, no one on the CSF staff or Board of Directors had ever met him. However, through his estate, he left the largest contribution the Fund has ever received from an alumnus. What a wonderful surprise and […]